The following message from ESUSD Superintendent Melissa Moore was emailed to ESUSD families and employees on March 2, 2022.

Dear ESUSD Employees, Families and Community,

It is hard to believe that we have now entered the month of March. As you know, Friday, March 4th is a non-pupil day as faculty and staff will be involved in professional development. Each school has planned engaging training opportunities that are targeted to meet the specific needs of our teachers as they innovate and collaborate on the most effective ways to support our students.

Important Announcement from CDPH Regarding Masking

On Monday, February 28, Governor Newson and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) announced changes to the indoor masking requirements in TK-12 schools and childcare settings such that beginning Saturday, March 12, indoor masking for students and staff in TK-12 schools and childcare settings will shift from required to strongly recommended, irrespective of vaccine status. In addition, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) has since released a statement that they will align school masking measures with the State and shift to strongly recommending indoor masking as well. Throughout the course of the pandemic, ESUSD Board of Education has been steadfast in their commitment to provide options to families when it is deemed permissible and safe to do so. Thus, ESUSD will align our practice and masking protocols accordingly and allow students and staff a choice when it comes to indoor and outdoor masking on campuses starting Saturday, March 12, 2022.

Closing Thoughts

I would like to express my gratitude to all our families and employees for your grace and patience throughout this extraordinary period of time. Above it all, the resilience of our students has been simply remarkable. As we continue to move forward, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s school regarding any concern so that we can collectively and actively support all our students to make sure they feel seen, heard, supported and loved, and can continue to flourish in our schools.

With gratitude that we are in this together,

Melissa Moore, Ed.D. 

El Segundo Unified School District